7 Days from Fez to the Desert Ending in Marrakech: The Ultimate Morocco Journey

Embark on an unforgettable 7-day journey from Fez to the desert, ending in Marrakech, where you will discover the rich culture, history and wonderful landscapes of Morocco.

Village in Morocco

7 Days from Fez to Desert Ending in Marrakech

“7 Days from Fez to the Desert Ending in Marrakech” is the trip of your dreams to discover Morocco. From magical Fez, through mountainous landscapes and golden dunes, to vibrant Marrakech, this tour will immerse you in the true essence of Morocco.

Day 1: Fez – Ifrane – Azrou – Midelt – Erfoud

We begin our adventure in Fez, travel through Ifrane and Azrou, enjoy the beauty of Midelt, and finally arrive in Erfoud.

Fez, Ifrane, Azrou, Midelt and Erfoud: A Journey Through History and Nature
  • Explore the Medina of Fez, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Discover Ifrane, known as the “Switzerland of Morocco”.
  • Visit Azrou and its famous cedar forest.
  • Admire the natural beauty of Midelt and Erfoud.

Day 2: Erfoud – Merzouga

The second day takes us from Erfoud to the impressive dunes of Merzouga.

Erfoud and Merzouga: A journey through the desert.
  • Explore Erfoud, famous for its dates and fossils.
  • Enjoy a camel ride through the dunes of Merzouga and spend the night in a desert camp.

Day 3: Merzouga – Rissani – Todra Gorges

The third day takes us from Merzouga to Rissani and the impressive Todra Gorges.

Merzouga, Rissani and Todra Gorges: Between dunes and cliffs
  • Discover Rissani, cradle of the Alaouite dynasty.
  • Marvel at the impressive Todra Gorges.

Day 4: Todra Gorges – Dades Valley – Skoura – Ouarzazate

The fourth day takes us from Todra Gorges to Dades Valley, Skoura and finally to Ouarzazate.

Todra Gorges, Dades Valley, Skoura and Ouarzazate: Hidden Treasures of Morocco
  • Admire the beauty of the Dades Valley and Skoura.
  • Arrival in Ouarzazate, the “Hollywood of Morocco”.

Día 5: Ouarzazate – Ait Benhaddou – Marrakech

El quinto día nos lleva desde Ouarzazate a la famosa Kasbah de Ait Benhaddou, antes de llegar a Marrakech.

Ouarzazate, Ait Benhaddou y Marrakech: Desde el cine hasta la Ciudad Roja
  • Visita la famosa Kasbah de Ait Benhaddou, escenario de numerosas películas.
  • Llegada a Marrakech, la vibrante Ciudad Roja.

Días 6 y 7: Marrakech

Los últimos dos días están dedicados a explorar y disfrutar de Marrakech.

Marrakech: La Joya de Marruecos
  • Explora la famosa Medina de Marrakech y su zoco lleno de colores.
  • Visita los Jardines Majorelle y el Palacio Bahía.


El viaje de “7 Días desde Fez al Desierto Terminando en Marrakech” te ofrece una experiencia única y completa de Marruecos. Desde ciudades históricas, a través de paisajes impresionantes, hasta la vibrante Marrakech, este recorrido te dejará con recuerdos y experiencias inolvidables. ¡Esperamos verte pronto en este increíble viaje por Marruecos!


Route 2 Days From Marrakech to Zagora Desert: Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is the best time to do the 2 Days From Marrakech to Zagora Desert Route?

The 2 Days From Marrakech to Zagora Desert Route can be done all year round, but the best time to enjoy pleasant weather conditions is during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). During these months, temperatures are mild and pleasant, allowing you to fully enjoy outdoor activities and avoid the intense summer heat.

Question 2: What should I bring on my trip to Zagora Desert?

To ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience on your trip to Zagora Desert, it is important to bring certain essentials. Be sure to bring comfortable clothes and shoes, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses and a light jacket for cooler nights in the desert. It is also advisable to bring insect repellent, a reusable water bottle and a camera to capture the most memorable moments.

Question 3: How can I book a tour for the 2 Days From Marrakech to Zagora Desert Route?

There are many travel agencies and tour operators that offer tours for the 2 Day Route From Marrakech to Zagora Desert. You can book your tour online through their websites or contact them directly by phone or email. Before making your reservation, be sure to research and compare the available options to find the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Question 4: What kind of accommodation can I expect in the Zagora desert?

During your stay in the Zagora desert, you will have the opportunity to spend a night in a traditional Berber camp. These camps usually offer comfortable tents equipped with beds and bedding. Although the accommodation is simple, the experience of sleeping under the stars in the desert is truly magical.

Question 5: Is it safe to do the 2 Day Route From Marrakech to Zagora Desert?

Morocco is generally a safe country for tourists, and the 2 Day Route From Marrakech to Zagora Desert is a popular and well-established route. However, as with any other trip, it is important to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings. Always follow your guide’s recommendations and keep your belongings safe. It is always advisable to hire a tour with a reliable agency and have adequate travel insurance.

Pregunta 6: ¿Cuáles son los platos tradicionales que puedo probar durante la ruta?


Durante tu viaje, tendrás la oportunidad de probar algunos deliciosos platos de la gastronomía marroquí. Algunos de los platos tradicionales que no te puedes perder incluyen el tagine, un guiso aromático cocinado lentamente en un recipiente de barro, el cuscús, un plato de sémola con verduras y carne, y el té de menta, una bebida caliente y refrescante. No dudes en probar también los dulces tradicionales, como los pasteles de miel y las galletas de almendra.


Conclusión: Una Aventura Inolvidable en el Desierto Marroquí


La Ruta 2 Dias Desde Marrakech a Zagora Desierto es una experiencia única que te permitirá explorar la belleza del desierto marroquí y sumergirte en la rica cultura de Marruecos. Desde los impresionantes paisajes del Valle del Draa hasta el encanto histórico de las kasbahs y la magia de las dunas de Zagora, cada momento de este viaje te dejará recuerdos inolvidables.


Así que, si estás buscando una aventura emocionante, no busques más. Prepara tu mochila y déjate llevar por la Ruta 2 Dias Desde Marrakech a Zagora Desierto. Te garantizo que vivirás una experiencia que quedará grabada en tu corazón para siempre.